About Us

What is CRAG Magic?

As an idea:

CRAG Magic is the idea that as climbers it is our responsibility to care for and sustain the climbing culture and crags we love.

As a term: 

CRAG Magic is an act of goodwill performed that might better a climber's experience or contribute to the sustainment of a crag.

A few examples of CRAG Magic:

  • Packing out your garbage and waste, or any that you find on your way to, from, or at a crag.
  • Helping replace or notify local climbing organizations of damaged bolts and fixed anchors.
  • Volunteering your time and muscle at trail maintenance events.
  • Sharing your stoke and knowledge with your fellow climbers!

How to be a CRAG Angel:

  • Become a member and support your local climbing organization.
  • Plan and or volunteer at crag cleanup events.
  • Plan and or volunteer at trail maintenance events.
  • Take a course on climbing safety and buddy first aid/rescue.
  • Be courteous and respectful at the crag.
  • Be inclusive.
  • Share your stoke!

Our Mission

At CRAG Magic, we are climbers on a mission to bring great products to our fellow adventurers for use at the crag, we are ambassadors helping share the climbing community with anyone who will listen, and we are conservationists who believe it’s our responsibility as climbers to care for and sustain the crags we love so much!

What We're All About

Adventure:  Helping further your adventures at the crag (real rock or plastic).

The best part about adventure is the unknown. With any good adventure, you never know exactly where it will take you and how it will end, which is why we focus on products that can travel with you throughout your journey, whether that's crushing it at the crag or grabbing a beer and a pizza with your crew after your latest climbing epic. 

Community:  Highlight, educate and contribute to the great work being done by local climbing organizations.

Our goal is to use our voice to help encourage others to take an active role in supporting their local climbing organization. As it is often these organizations that silently lead the effort to replace damaged bolts and fixed anchors, maintain approach trails, remove graffiti and clean our outdoor spaces. 

Sustainment:  5% TO THE CRAG! 5% of all proceeds go to support local climbing organizations leading the way in the sustainment of our crags.

We choose to focus our efforts on supporting small, local climbing organizations as the amazing individuals who lead and volunteer at these organizations often times live near and visit their crags frequently. This means they know better than anyone how to best maximize the limited resources they receive, and which sustainment projects of theirs will have the greatest impact/result.