The Climber's Pledge

Are you enthusiastic about contributing to the climbing community and the sustainment of our crags? If so, join us in signing The Climber's Pledge.

As climbers, it is on us to curate our climbing culture and sustain our crags. As the sport grows, without actively seeking opportunities to get involved in welcoming new climbers and teaching them about inclusion, safety, crag etiquette and sustainment, we risk losing the culture and crags we love. Join us in signing The Climber's Pledge, a pledge to help shape the future of climbing in a welcoming and sustainable manner.  

As a climber, I pledge to:

  • Join and support my local climbing organization (All the cool kids are doing it)
  • Respect Mother Nature (She is your mother after all)
  • Pack it in, pack it out (Take your S#!&, and your garbage, with you)
  • Know where I'm climbing (Others were there before you, be respectful of their culture and beliefs)
  • Poop in a bag (Dispose of my human waste properly)
  • Stick to the beaten path (Stay on trails as much as possible)
  • Wash my rocks (Brush off chalk and tick marks)
  • Practice crag etiquette (Be welcoming and courteous to others)
  • Mind my crew (More feet, more problems - keep your group to a minimum)
  • Keep the noise to a minimum (Yes, this includes spraying beta)
  • Place my gear and my crash mattress on durable surfaces.
  • Lay my head to rest only in designated parking and camping areas. 
  • Play by the rules (Adhere to local regulations and closures)
  • Put safety first (Look out for others, use gear responsibly, report damaged bolts and fixed anchors, and consider taking a first aid or buddy rescue course)
  • Share my stoke and always have fun! (You're climbing after all)