The Climber's Creed

I am a climber.
I am often found with a rope, harness, chalk bag and oh so tight shoes,
and I'm in more belaytionships than I care to admit.
I respect Mother Nature and welcome all to the crag.
My mission is to send hard and always share my stoke.
I am faithful to inclusion, leave no trace, crag etiquette and sustainment,
and a legacy of nearly sent projects.
I am a climber, and likely favor sport, trad, bouldering,
and possibly even speed as my preferred method of gaining elevation.
I am a guardian of climbing and defender of crag and community.
I am a climber, adventurer, ambassador and conservationist.
I always enjoy the journey, sharing beta, and sustaining my community and places of send.
I will never litter, and I will always double check my knot and that of my partner.
Climb On!

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